From Fractured to Whole: Individuation and the Ouroboros

In some ways, all of us are fractured, a collection of selves that can be at odds with each other. The dreamer self might wrestle with the practical self. The self that strives to please others might be in competition with the self that resents the burden of having to conform to people’s expectations. When we…

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Symbols That Appear in Dreams and Shamanic Journeys

Symbols that appear in dreams and on shamanic journeys can offer us insights and energies helpful in our quest for healing and growth. If we set an intention to have a conversation with them, we might find it easier to understand their messages than if we simply tried to analyze their meaning. Have you ever…

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When You Feel Like a Leaf In the Wind: Writing a New Story

Have you ever felt like a leaf in the wind, blown about by powers beyond your control? Does it seem that other people, or your circumstances, have dictated the details of the story you are living? Do long-held, unquestioned beliefs about what you must accomplish make you feel that you are not the storyteller in…

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