When You Have Unfinished Business

If you were to take stock of your life, would you be uncomfortable with the amount of unfinished business you have? Maybe you meant to clear the air with someone or begin working toward a certain goal, but something always stopped you. Reflecting on unfinished business can help you to take actions that will tie…

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Agape Love and Spirituality

Imagine a loving Spirit who is compassionate and forgiving to all, possessing the quality of agape love, the love for all beings. Can you imagine this agape love as central to your own spirituality? Many of us long to know and connect with Spirit. It’s possible to experience a connection to Spirit in our personal energy field,…

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Ayni and Spirit

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In the Quechua language, there is a word, ayni, which means reciprocity. Having ayni with Spirit, the creative force that expresses love to us means two-way communication and a mutual partnership. Do you know what you want from Spirit, and what Spirit wants from you? How do you communicate to Spirit? And how does Spirit…

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Integrating Transpersonal Experiences Into Your Everyday Life

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Shamanic and Jungian practices allow you to engage energies that can fuel personal transformation. However, too often, inertia begins to set in as you allow yourself to become caught up in the events of your everyday life. You may continue to feel like taking risks in your relationships and being more honest with yourself and…

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The Purpose and Nature of Shamanism and Shamanic Practices

Shamans are healers who use specific techniques to alter their consciousness and journey to other energetic realms. There, they gain energy and information they can use to bring about changes in the everyday world. Some say these realms are imaginary. Others say they are alternative realities that exist in other universes. If these realms shamans…

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