Regaining Your Confidence

Do you lose confidence after a loss or failure? If it’s a particularly big loss or failure, or part of a series, you may find it next to impossible to have faith in yourself afterward. Lost confidence can affect you for years and become embedded in your story as a recurring theme that seems to…

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Time to Write and Bring to Life a New Story

You can have many incentives to change your life: for example, recognizing that you need to change your financial situation, realizing that the person you are is not who you want to be, feeling the need to answer a spiritual call, or accepting that a relationship or situation can’t continue as it has. As a…

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Expand the Boundaries of Your Life

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Each of us has a story, but it’s not always a satisfying one. To change your story, you have to change the way you view the world. Then you can visualize and energize new possibilities. If you perceive only a narrow range of potential opportunities open to you, you might feel hopelessly boxed into your…

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Using Your Energy Wisely: Reexamine Your To-Do List!

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It’s easier than we think to go through life on autopilot without being truly aware of what we’re doing. I’ve discovered how easy it can be to pour energy into customary activities and not take the time to consider whether that’s the best use of my energy. As part of the requirements for becoming a…

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