Breakthrough Urban Ministries fosters community development in Chicago’s East Garfield Park neighborhood by building healthy relationship networks; growing the skills of the men, women, and children they serve; and promoting the transfer of wisdom to the younger generation. In addition to a men’s homeless shelter, a women’s homeless shelter, and a fresh market food pantry, Breakthrough’s FamilyPlex offers the following services to neighborhood residents:
- Job training
- Youth Arts & Science Academy
- Nettie Bailey Student Achievement Program
- Youth Sports & Fitness Academy
- Breakthrough Beginners Early Childhood Education
- Bridge Café
- Fitness center
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Change the Story of Your Health
Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing. Winner of 4 book awards and a bestseller.
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Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Winner of 3 book awards and a bestseller.
"Much more than a 'quick fix' self-help book, containing a profound range of tools and exercises. Articulate and easily understandable, Change Your Story, Change Your Life provides an excellent inspirational guide to personal transformation." - Indie Shaman