One Healthy Change Leads to Another

Are you resisting a change you know you should make? Making changes in one area of your life might help you notice where else you need to make them. Often, one healthy change leads to another because you create momentum and develop confidence. As you start to exercise more, you might start to catch yourself…

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Let Nature Help You Heal

Did you know that natural sounds such as the wind swooshing through trees and water softly sloshing against the shore of a lake can actually cause your nervous system to switch into a repair mode, relaxing you? And according to scientific research, you can achieve the same effect merely by listening to recordings of natural sounds.…

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Change Your Health Story Using Forest Bathing

Walk through a forest and your body and mind will soon reflect that you are free of electronics, artificial light, mechanical noises, and constant distractions that invisibly raise your stress levels and cause you to jump from thought to thought. Forest bathing, or Shinrin-yoku as it’s called in Japan, is a practice of taking time to enjoy…

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A Healing Message from Nature

nature healing image of a woman forest

Spending time in nature offers many health benefits. It reduces your amount of stress hormones, bathes you in sunlight that raises your vitamin D levels, and seems to reduce the risk of developing nearsightedness. Some physicians are even prescribing nature walks for their patients, as a USA Today article points out. Nature seems to recalibrate us, bringing us…

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You Can Change the Story of Your Health

Our stories are the way we understand our experiences. Just as you have a story of your life, you have a story of your health. What is it? “I just want my health problems fixed so I can get back to my old life”? Or perhaps “I don’t have time to eat right, get enough…

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Change the Story of Your Health

image of woman changing the story of her heath with yoga in nature

A physician may have the persona of a wise healer, all-knowing about what to do to be healthy. Yet, the shadow for her might be failure to acknowledge her own unhealthiness and to practice what she preaches. A man could be a critic of the lifestyle choices of others and an expert in what to…

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